Friday, October 31, 2014

What's Wrong With Standardized Tests? (Info-graphic)

1. The general argument made through the info-graphic made by is that there are too many things wrong with standardized tests to continue using them, and there are better ways to "evaluate achievement and ability." More specifically, argues that standardized testing doesn't show enough a students' understanding and "use of complex material." The info-graphic explains that the scores are unreliable due to the varying conditions in which the test is taken. In conclusion,'s belief is that better teacher observation, evidence of the students hard work in the form of documentation, and "performance-based assessment are the most useful" ways to evaluate achievement and ability, instead of imposing standardized tests upon students, when there are numbers things wrong with them.

2. In their argument against standardized testing,, explains alternatives ways to evaluate a student's achievement and abilities instead of taking standardized tests. They list multiple things that are bad about standardized tests, such as that they are not "fair or helpful evaluation tools" and they don't measure "creative thinking in any field." They remind the reader that the tests do not reflect the current information, due to the fact that the tests are usually outdated to current events. They also explain that those who make the tests are unable to remove all bias when creating the tests because "cultural assumptions built into tests often remain."

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