Friday, October 31, 2014

1. The general argument made by Adam Zyglis in his cartoon, "Square Peg, Round Hole," is that students' minds are not shaped for standardized testing. He illustrates through his cartoon that forcing standardized tests on students is like sticking a square peg into a round hole- it doesn't fit and doesn't work. He is suggesting that standardized testing should not take place because it is not effective and doesn't fit the shape of a child's mind.

2. Through his cartoon, Zyglis' argument against standardized testing, he claims that filling a students' mind with standardized testing is like trying to put a square peg (standardized tests) into a round hole (the students' brains), they are unfit for what they retain and learn. He illustrates in his cartoon a little boy with an circle head and an open mine, and then an cult trying to fit a square (of standardized tests) into the boy's brain. He is showing that this type of testing doesn't fit and makes a claim that students should not have to take them, since its not how students learn.

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